GDPR Compliance

We, at SLN Solutions LLC, are GDPR Compliant

The GDPR, or General Data Protection Regulation, is a set of data collection regulations in the EU region which was enacted on May 25, 2018. If you are a citizen or a resident of a European Union member state or the United Kingdom, the GDPR provides you with specific rights with respect to your Personal Information (PI) including: the right to request access to your PI; the right to correct your PI; the right to restrict or delete your PI and the right to object the processing of your PI.

At SLN Solutions LLC, we work with our team to resolve customer needs around the GDPR and we ensure that we follow policies that comply with the GDPR.

To stay GDPR Compliant, our team have been taken the following steps:

  • We do not collect or exchange EU citizens’ personal data, such as health and genetic data, biometric data, national or gender data, political opinions and more.
  • We compile information from public records, such as public business directories, yellow pages, subscriptions to magazines, newsletters, trade shows, business events, etc.
  • We only collect business contacts such as their location, company email, company address, etc., which they voluntarily shared in the public domains for business communications.
  • We strongly oppose sharing the contacts you get with some kind of irrelevant information.
  • In order to protect data, securely share and revoke access, we follow rigid measures. In fact, all the data are in an encrypted format and also password protected.
  • We educate our clients on GDPR and its laws. We also inform each individual about +the use of the marketing databases we rent for their sales and marketing campaigns.
  • Before sending any marketing emails to the clients, we obtain the consent and every email contains the opt-out option. And you can send an email to if you want to permanently remove your data from our database. Based on that, we’ll process your application accordingly.